Victorian Irish Haste (Tain Rua x Gwen’s View) winning the 1979 Summer Cup at Harold Park for Murray Scown and Alf Martin. Winners time was 43.29 Alf had finished second in 1972 with Bandwagon John behind Dynabolt.
Coral Scott – Alfie been gone 5 years now r i p alf
Toni Rust– Coral Scott yes time has gone quick Coral
Toni Rust – One of my favourites was Suzie ( kennel name ) Great times.
Kerry Chalker – Alf had so many good greyhounds
Coral Scott – He did and he bred a lot of them himself going back to the same sire…doug
Kerry Chalker– Gave me my first city winner
Coral Scott– We spent 8 years in Queensland together then we all came back…doug