Marg Thomas is a very special lady who has dedicated her life to family, greyhound racing and many other community projects. Skilled in many different areas she’s always a delight to have a chat with. Here’s a story I did with her many years ago, myself and the crew that day still remember the spread Marg put on for lunch. The first pic below courtesy of Gippsland Race Caller and Historian Kyle Galley Marg leading in a winner at Traralgon in 1976.
Kerry Chalker – The epitome of what greyhound racing & people are.
Ed Caruana – What a beautiful lady, none better.
Marg Long -Very special lady. Loved by so many of us.
Rob Gild – She is a charming lady. I filmed the story and have never forgotten her smile and generosity.
John Stephens – Wonderful lady in the truest of senses, great with her beloved greyhounds…but absolutely no doubt the best sponge maker ever!