Outstanding Sprinter Bomber’s Gift
Jeff Collerson – Bomber’s Gift I think was with Hec Watt’s son Geoff. Milo’s Charm was actually a better dog. Trained by Jerry Masterson and contested a fantastic match race at Cessnock with Stan Cleverley’s Little John. Can’t recall who won! Milo’s Charm used to turn his head two strides past the post. One night at Gosford he grabbed hold of one of his rivals and the trainer punched Jerry Masterson and there was a brawl in the bullpen. Milo’s Charm never fought in a race but Jerry’s theory was that when they shot the lure away after the winning post his dog thought the dog next to him had grabbed it. He campaigned (unsuccessfully) to have a skin dropped into the pen to prevent Milo’s Charm attacking other dogs after the race.
Kiwi Capers was a former NZ dog trained by the late Ted Shead. Lovely bloke who had a lawn supply business.
Jeff Holland – You probably don’t remember him, but one of Roy Heaths dogs Pretty Charm, he used to go the winner in the pen. No idea how he knew, but if he got beat he’d line it up, and at 35kg, he hit it hard.