I knew I had these but couldn’t find them until today when I wasn’t looking for them they came to light. The card is Temlee’s original Race Form Card as filled out by the trainer Frank Cray. The other is an original Stud Card where he stood for the late Tony Marino in Diamond Creek. Notice he had gone from $500 to $1000. Both were given to me by the late Queensland Hall of Famer the lovely Beverley Behm. What a sensation he was I was lucky enough to see him race many times at Olympic Park and seven times at Sandown. He was also the Fernando Bale of his time at stud.
Shane Hookey – He stood for $1000,in the 70s,a lot of money then !! Was booked out well in advance.
George Clegg – And an immense impact on our breeding lines. Unbelievable really so influential.
Mick Fearnley – Loved watching him race and used to watch him trial regularly at Traralgon
Rod Gray – What a stud dog he was on top of he’s racing career.
Leigh Smith – One of the best, that was around when we had the track at murphy’s. I thought the card might have been Wayne Kirbys, or the Pearsons. We filled the cards out all over victoria for the form guides.
Frank Harney – What a champion was Temlee. Came from last on many occasions in FTA company.
Ian Rose – Greatest sire we have ever seen
Greg Rob – When Temlee when’s to stud Allen wheeler put all his Brood Bitchs to Temlee
Peter Griffen – And dont forget in those days they bought the dog and mated your bitch you put her back in your car went home and had pups not like today vets blood tests etc🙂
Julie Ward – Temlees race card…. 14-11-1974 ran 6th to Kwik Metal….. Melbourne cup!!