1984 Waterloo Cup winner Ben Nerrin raced by G. Wymer and Max Johnson. Johnson trained the star of the Coursing scene that year. He not only divided the St. Ledger with his litter sister Reciprocity at Geelong (she’s also won the Oaks) but also won the Derby at Lang Lang before taking out the Cup at Benalla making a clear sweep of all major Coursing events. The Trophy was donated to Museum when found by accident in Croydon. Max Johnson’s long time confidant and supporter Russell Mcrea adding in the comment’s that Reciprocity was only beaten once in the semi final of the Waterloo Cup at Benalla by her brother Ben Nerrin. She coursed 26 times for 26 wins and Ben Nerrin coursed 27 times for 27 wins, a record that will never be broken. Photo’s include Max accepting the trophy for Ben Nerrin and pictures of the champ and his sister.