If you are lucky in your life you meet some fantastic people, for me one those has been Eddie Caruana. The MGRA Chairman has many, many friends around Australia. Here is a story I did for the Catching Pen in 2004.
Ever wondered how Eddie got into the game here is a profile he did in 1998.
John Reid – Good bloke, with a wonderful wife and family, be sure to show this to Olympia, thanks Ed.
Des Dooley – 100% agree Neil. A lot of greyhound people would not realise how much better off they are due to Eddie’s efforts.
Trevor Smith – He’s a great bloke who lives and loves all things greyhound related!, and great family man and friend!
Maureen Stephens – One of a kind, you are Eddie, married to the beautiful Olympia! So very proud to call you both our good friends
Jarrod Sharp – Superstar, Friendly, Helpful, Listener, Nice. All round Good bloke
Brian Parkinson – Lovely bloke
Kel Greenough – Thanks for your great efforts over the years Eddie / Jackie Greenough – Always smiling.
Dave Carlson – Legend / Peita Duncan – Legend.
ken Norquay – Hasn’t changed a bit in 50 years. Well done Eddie!
Marg Long – Nice Story Ed.
Bill Buccilli – Brilliant. Great story. Feel like I really know you. Not sure where the Carlton story fits in
Eddie – Bill we arrived in May 1963, lived in Carlton, a Malcolm Blight after the siren kick from the Exhibition gardens, had a business in Carlton until 1981, moved to East Brunswick in 1983. I got to enjoy all the glory years.
Eddie – Thank you all for the humbling comments. This is the reason we all love our great sport of greyhound racing.