Great shot of Saturday afternoon at Beaumont Park Newcastle. The Wentworth Park of the North a couple pics of the old Beaumont Park in Newcastle.
Jeff Collerson remarked -Strong betting ring, great days at Beaumont Park. The late Johnny Brown (father in law of current day trainer Charlie Lamb of One Tree Hill fame) won a race there one Saturday afternoon with Snow Beacon and went to Harold Park that night with the same dog and he won again! They would probably throw Johnny in jail for that now!!
Jeff Collerson – Strong betting ring, great days at Beaumont Park. The late Johnny Brown (father in law of current day trainer Charlie Lamb of One Tree Hill fame) won a race there one Saturday afternoon with Snow Beacon and went to Harold Park that night with the same dog and he won again! They would probably throw Johnny in jail for that now!!
Troy Harley – TAB Track Championship for sure.
George Clegg – Pink off and gone
Terry Callen– Is that the 686 start maybe Ian Hilditch
Ian Hilditch– Terry Callen 485 Chris McGrory’s house in the background.
Terry Callen– Ian Hilditch gotcha yep just seen the park thought it must’ve been the car park recognise anyone in the pic I don’t
Ian Hilditch– Terry Callen no but I was 10 in 1971 so there’s no doubt I was in the crowd.
Richard Codd– What a great track and day out big crowds
Jeff Dryden– 6 the brown,2 the checks good old days
Trevor Smith– Handlers standing on the veranda!Ha ha