Trainer Sid Swain – Paul said they will bring the Grandstand down I nearly did I bolted behind that little stand near the 500 boxes I had to prepare myself for a minute for the onslaught.
Mick Haskas– On yah sid good dog
Matthew Clark – Great dog
Garth Roese– Could throw a barker
Terry Callen– Great photo of a great couple
James Fitch– Was he related to stately bird🤔
James Fitch– Good dog btw
Jeff Collerson– Terrific pic of Siddy & his late wife. Sid is truly one of the great characters of our sport. Have never met a more enthusiastic participant. He could start and argument in an empty house (I’ve had plenty with him, mainly over politics) but I will always love him (think he says the same about me).
Sid Swain– Jeff Collerson sure as jeff
Patrick Parrelli- What about me u two
Jeff Collerson– Patrick Parrelli Maybe Siddy beats you for enthusiasm by a half head but he gets into more blues
Melinda Finn– Absolutely awesome
Jamie Hawkins– Was one of my favourite chasers ,we brought a pup from one of his litters was spitting image of his dad.named epidemic was pretty good himself.