Moss Vale Racecallers Day

Some familiar faces here Racecallers day at Moss Vale in 2000. Sadly some are no longer with us.

Tony Cooper– Good times at Moss Vale.
Roy Maynard-I remember that day I was the Steward on duty.
Chris Nutt– Alot of bloody champion blokes right there👍 Peter Ray
Peter Ray– Chris Nutt Tonsils Family Track,wonderful days Nutty
Mick Haskas– As pancho said to sisco
Tony Cooper– Mick Haskas “Lets went”
Craig Last– The old box’s the good old days
Michael Hooper– Who can name them all
Frederick Von Haych– Inside- John McDermott, Dale Walker, Kev Thompson Andrew Patterson Hilton Donaldson Dean Caporella Paul Dolan
Outside – Adrian Tillot Graham Tonkin, Me, Les Mellowship Rob Testa Nick Robin P Ambrosoli and Nigel Killop
Michael Hooper– Frederick Von Haych thanks for that great input. I knew most, but wasn’t completely sure
Michael Hooper– Frederick Von Haych thanks Freddy, happy calling
Frederick Von Haych– Michael Hooper cheers mate
Peter Ray– Frederick Von Haych A Melbourne Cup Field 🏆
Frederick Von Haych– Peter Ray top weight and favourite- P.Ambrosoli
Jan Griffiths– Johny Mac. Paul ambrosollie
Ian Samblebe- That is a LOT of talent !
Richard Thompson– Can only name2 Adrian Tillett and the one and only Paul Ambrosolli
Frederick Von Haych– They are all shown in an above post
Malcolm Drysdale- What ever happened to Hilton Donaldson top caller with great sense of humour.