Anyone remember going to the old Gold Coast track at Southport. Saturday nights. Big circle track sprint races over 390, 560, and distance races 650.
Kerry Chalker – What a sensational track
Richard Codd– Went in the 1980sfrom sydney with the late great ted curran from Berkshire park
Tony Cooper– Richard Codd Ted Curran,, Now that’s a name I haven’t heard for a very long time. A good man he was.
Richard Codd– Tony Cooper champion man would always help anyone solar lodge kennels berkshire park
Geoff Howell- One of the best tracks I’ve raced on great memories thanks Neil
John Brasch– For those thinking this is Parklands it is not this the track pre 1988 at Stephens raceway in Queens St Southport greyhound track inside the harness track.
Jan Griffiths– Gold Coast was the best and Toowoomba excellent