Here is a photo of the 1883 and 1885 Victorian Waterloo Cup winner Rodanthe...
Olympic Park 1962-1996
What a great venue Olympic Park 1962-1996. Monday nights has never been the same. ...
Old Betting Tickets
Not sure why I keep these not a collect to be had. However, what a list of the great names...
Greyhound Auction 1970
Amazing the things, you keep. Found this today did anyone else go to this Auction 50 years ago. Don’t think...
Australian Cup Photo’s
Colleen Hewett with Tangaloa. Boxer Joe Frazier at the Australian Cup. Molly with Eaglehawk Star Australian Cup winner 85. KB...
Melbourne Cup’s
A young Jason Thompson with his first Melbourne Cup winner Light Of Fire. A couple of promo covers male and...