Nationals Video 1965 – 2009
Here is an excellent Video produced by Marc Carvallaro and James Broadhurst for GreyhoundsWA in 2009. Super footage and well...
1998 International Top Gun
Here is a poster promoting the 1998 International Top Gun. We had the launch in the city at some gardens...
1997 Top Gun Chicago Blue
In 1997 we staged the first International Top Gun it was won by Chicago Blue a very smart dog May 1995 by...
The Castle 1997
South Australian member Howard Gray put up this video from most people’s favourite Australian movie The Castle. The dogs were...
Many Tracks I have Visted
I am contemplating a trip to visit a few greyhound tracks that I have always wanted to go to in...
Video footage of Many Champs
Brennan Ryan posted these Video’s of past champs. Proper Tears, Paddy’s Flame, Kialdu Kate, Highfield Shanty, Scott James, Bahama Image...