A rare photo here Chief Havoc’s sire Trion winning a NCA Stake at Harold Park in February 1944. Chris Brown...
Kate Jackson At Sandown
Hollywood TV star Kate Jackson with Sandown superstar African Zulu trackside in 1984...
Johnny’s Monaro
1981 Ballarat Cup winner Johnny’s Monaro very fast dog. 556 offspring at stud a few that come to mind Hunting Gold, Misty...
Peter Donegan
One Victoria’s best greyhound callers Peter Donegan gave it away in 1983 when 3UZ dropped the rights and 3DB picked...
Empty Street
One of Kerry Chalker’s top class stayers was Empty Street he was sold to WA after his early racing in Victoria but...
Star performer of 2004 Hallucinate. Successful sire here and overseas 570 litters in Australia and 2744 pups overall. Many good to...