Member Ian Rose posted this photo of the old Panania trial track in New South Wales. It brought back many memories from the membership.
Ian Rose – Brian Cox I was the photographer for the whippets late 70’s, was only looking through some old photos recently
Charlie Riccio – I used go there with Bernie Ambrose in the seventy’s
Brian Meredith – Charlie Riccio Did bernie own this track and did he break in pups as well ??
Ken Burnett – Charlie Riccio how old are you really Charlie wow 🤩
Charlie Riccio – Brian Meredith no Bernie lived at Caringbah and trained from there and use to go there to trial as well as chipping Norton
Brian Meredith – Charlie Riccio thanks for the info charlie we got our 1st greyhound in 1979 we trialled at panania a lot the bernie we knew was a thorough gentleman and a great breaker
Charlie Riccio – Ken Burnett I had my first greyhound in 1972 she was by thunder lane – trag and she was reared next door to jimmy Patton place at darkes forest by a bloke by the name harry matterson
Joe Baldacchino – Brian Cox I trialled there as well. Used to think that it was such a long way from East Sydney (Darlinghurst,). The dilapidated track was reopened very briefly in the early 90’s by a bloke I remember as Snowy but soon closed down because of the awful state of the track.
George Baldacchino – Joe Baldacchino I remember taking IlPadrino there
Joe Baldacchino – Yep. Trialled Friendly Native there once as well.
John Free – Was there allso in the 70s.
RonRita Arnold – Wow that brings back memories even the odd Gymkhana on a Sunday
Peter French – God blyme yes brings back memories me and pop ray french use to slip the dogs at Lidcombe golf course lol
Jenny Sultana – Many mornings trialling there before I was married..freezing there in the winter 🥶
James White – Home of Whippet Racing in NSW. Bernie Caine owned an operated the track.
Bernie was also the Lure Driver at Harold Park for many years.… See more
Ian Rose – James White yes great days, our first Trainer Bernie Dennis lived just up the road
Corey McLeod – Gary Mcleod where Dad raced the whippets
Gary Mcleod – Corey McLeod yes I remember wow
Andrew Young – Spent alot of time there in the 70’s with dad
Terry Blewitt – Where abouts was this track ???
Donna Campbell – Terry Blewitt panania….bankstown area
Terry Blewitt – Donna Campbell how long ago did it close
Joe Baldacchino – Terry Blewitt See my post above.
Joe Baldacchino – Terry Blewitt End of Bransgrove Road, Panania, now the site of a tip
Terry Hodge – Joe Baldacchino It was at the western end of Horsley Road, Panania and behind the Panania Bowling Club in Homelea Avenue (now closed). I nearly bought a home in Homelea Ave back in 1976 just because the track was behind it. It was closed and had housi… See more
Joe Baldacchino – Thanks for that Terry. My memory of the location has faded. I remember always looking out for Bransgrove Rd and when I googled the map of the area yesterday, I saw the presence of a tip at the end of Bransgrove Rd. Unfortunately, my attempt at adding… See more
Donna Campbell – Geez it was rough…..
Ian Rose – Donna Campbell same as barringtons but it was safe
Ian Rose – May be an image of dog and outdoors
Ian Rose – May be an image of dog and outdoors
Ian Rose – May be an image of dog and outdoors
Ian Rose – I only Remember Labell was the champion of the time
Donna Campbell – Ian Rose that your dog?…ive still got whippets
Gary Mcleod – Go Bonny bob along
Donna Campbell – You got her off bob heron…fawn bitch..i bred her
Gary Mcleod – Donna Campbell yes that’s right Donna she was fawn. Geez I miss those days
Donna Campbell – Gary Mcleod yes they were fantastic
Mick Whyte – We grew up down the road at East Hills and used ride our bikes along Kelso Creek and watch the whippets race.
Donna Campbell – Mick Whyte i remember kids on their bikes turning up to watch the whippets race…maybe it was you
Mick Whyte – Donna Campbell Probably a lot of kids in the area used to go there, but could of been me or my mates, early 80’s I’m guessing.
Danny Oliver – I grew up around the corner
Mick Whyte – Danny Oliver the local muscle man 😂
Danny Oliver -Mick Whyte lol
Brian Cox – Mick Whyte VERTABRAE。DAN
Diane Hannon – I went there as a kid with my Dad to trial greyhounds there. We lived at Condell Park.
Danny Oliver – Yes was a whippet track later on in years
Rex Nairn – I was around then, God I must be old.
Adele Powell – Rex Nairn me too!! Yep
Rex Nairn – Adele Powell I remember you, you trained greyhounds, a lot of winners on TAB.
Adele Powell – Rex Nairn still training but now in Victoria
Steve Baker – Rex Nairn U said it
Mick Haskas – Alice and the lure driver
June Patton -Me 2
John Staines – Great memories of this track.
Ray Welsh – Prepared a few winners from there in the seventies!
Mark Denovan – Memories of going there with my mate from school whose uncle was a trainer and used to help him with his dogs in the early 70’s does anyone remember Speedy Issue also my uncle lived nearby
Brian Stephens – Trialled many of my Mia dogs there in late .fifties omwards
Brian Stephens – Brother you think your getting old.
Paul Liddell – Spent a many a cold morning there
Mark Poppa – Bear MacMurray Great old trial track in the 70,s
Jeff Collerson – I used to take dogs trialling there, it was run by Bernie Kane. Bryan Brown the film star grew up in Panania and told me once he remembered the trial track being very busy.
Mary-annand Brian McKivat – I trialled there and Chipping Norton a lot in 70s when I lived in Lakemba. From memory I recall seeing Afgans trialling at Panania as well.
Peter French– Use to go there brings back memories and chipping Norton
Mick Haskas – I was trying to think of his name jeff he drove the lure at wenty he was a ballet dancer
Robert Mumford – Been there