Mark Delbridge and Lisa combined to win Thursday night’s Sandown Cup with Zipping Rambo in a well-deserved big race victory. Mark has been at it for a long time now and learnt plenty form the master Graeme Bate. Here he is 1998 with Vodeena Bale for Graeme and I have fond memories of Mark handling a smart little fawn dog we raced in those days named Red Ablaze.
Alan Muram – Deserves all the success he achieves….crawled b4 he walked walked b4 he flew…cheers mark and lisa
Shaun Coulson– Wow how young was he lol
Edwin Caruana– And he has a big 😊 smile.
Heather Cooke– Wow how young and look a smile
Terri M Morris– No way 😂😂😂omg
David Torr- great family deserve all the wins for the time and effort
Darren Geyer– First time I’ve seen him smile lol….😂
Peter Riley– He was smiling Thursday night