Newdown Heather
Irish trainer Mrs Minnie Morrow with the Irish wonder dog Newdown Heather on the left. Winner 1964 Puppy Cup at...
Victorian Greyhound of the Year Sandown 2001
Anyone remember wearing one of these on a chop stick at the Victorian Greyhound of the Year Sandown 2001. Just...
Graham Thurkettle posted the following pic of Krueger. Neil Brown – Krueger won the 1934 Victorian Derby at Tatura P.A...
Plunketts Pride
Star of the 50’s Plunketts Pride...
CUB Sprint at Warragul 1983
What about this presentation. Three top men in this photo Ron Bennett Warragul icon, Frank Knee and Teddy Sallows with...
Wang Ledgerwood of 1983.
Love these old country presentations here’s Wang and the Ledgerwood of 1983. ...