Allocate trained by Max Hammond
Another Rod Deakin star stayer. Jeff Collerson – Allocate was a star when Rod brought him to Harold Park, he...
1978 Perth Cup won by Biafra’s Son.
1978 Perth Cup won by Biafra’s Son...
Greg Chappell and his wife with Top Simbi at the Gabba.
Greg Chappell and his wife with Top Simbi at the Gabba...
1977 South Australian Greyhound of the Year Typhoon Trixie.
1977 South Australian Greyhound of the Year Typhoon Trixie...
The Tweed as it was under construction 1968
The Tweed as it was under construction 1968...
968 Silver Chief winner Dupondy Two
1968 Silver Chief winner Dupondy Two. Merrelyn Peck I am sure went on to be Miss Australian Charity Queen. Correct...