Smart New South Wales sprinter Kumta Chase
Smart New South Wales sprinter Kumta Chase Jeff Collerson – Trained by Wally Lutiger, a Swiss-born pastry chef who emigrated...
Don Cuddy
Here’s a Q & A I did with the great Don Cuddy. Fascinating insight from one of the world’s best...
International Topgun
The International Top Gun’s were a wonderful time. Here’s a pic with John Stephens, Pat, Don and another terrific Irishman...
Star Cricketers at Cannington 70’s
A couple of pics for the boys in the West a big night at Cannington in 75. D K Lillee...
Bob Douglas Story
Here is a story I did on Bob Douglas. We met in 1984 the first day I kenneled a dog...
Old Grandstand at Olympic
Remember the old Grandstand at Olympic packed to the gun holes. John Stephens – It seems a bit strange…but everyone...