Bit Chilli
Bit Chilli wins the National Sprint in the last stride 2007 Sandown. Successful in Victoria for Kel Greenough Kel...
Flashing Floods
The mighty Flashing Floods National Distance Champ 2007 ...
Harry Pledger
One of the great Greyhound Administrators of all time the late Harry Pledger. An absolute gentleman and a very, very...
Monkeys riding Greyhounds
I know we have all seen them before but don’t you just love the Monkeys riding the dogs. ...
Paul Ambrosoli
A very young Paul Ambrosoli. PA the doyen of callers best ever. The voice of the sport for more than...
Star Witch
Star Witch with a younger Paul Westerveld. Eddie Caruana – Paul has come a long way in our great...