Amazing Photo Finish Fullamusic 1980
An unusual way to get across the line, this amazing photo finish occurred in May 1980 when Fullamusic (Lively Band x Fullatrix)...
Coursing Photo’s from the 1910’s, 20’s and 30’s
Here is a collection of Photo’s from the 1910’s, 1920’s and 30’s all related to Coursing in New South Wales...
Mr P J Galbraith & Mr F A Swindell – Pics form the 30’s
Two distinguished gentlemen in shot taken in New South Wales in 1932. Mr P.J Galbraith Secretary of the Greyhound Coursing...
John Sands Board Game
Did anyone ever play this Doggo manufactured by John Sands. Not sure when first time I have seen it. Matthew...
Early Racing NSW & SA 1918-1925
Some early racing here the four dog open race is somewhere in New South Wales in 1925. The other in...
One Cheer
A local hotel I spent far too much time in when I was a young bloke was the Village Green...