One of Billy Bray’s fastest dogs Roy Trease. Invitation Class both city tracks ran 29.71 at Olympic. Bred in the Purple by Temlee from Mandolin. Very injury prone never saw the best of him. Produced 613 pups the best Bold Trease, Pharaohs Mask, Spread Eagled, Toinette, Cher Magic and National Asset to name a few.
Robert Britton-Pharaohs Mask should be in that list Neil.
Neil Brown– Robert Britton your dead right will include.
Sheldon Hamilton– Is it true Billy had this dog running around in the runs could not get his body right when one day Roy fellow over got up and was free in his action went back to racing better than ever?
Peter Terry– He mated a bitch and corrected the alignment in his back
Sheldon Hamilton– Peter Terry thank you so much Peter.
Peter Terry– Bill bray did not believe in muscle men
Sheldon Hamilton– Peter Terry spot on. cost him a lot of success i believe. Roy alone.
John Reid– The stories Bill could have told,I only know the ones I saw ,or he told us,one concerned a dog called Hammer-on should be one word,but I pad keeps changing,bill used to free gallop his dogs at VFL car park ,hammer-on ran away and finished on busy Wellington rd,escaped any injury,Bill in his typical humour,said he’ll be no bloody good,why we asked,if he was any good he would have got run over ,great fun reminding Bill ever time he won.
Edwin Caruana– John Reid I remember that story well.
Howard Gray– John Reid Yep owned in South Australia by Neil Freeman out of his top SA staying bitch Palmerston Lass. Blue Brew was another good dog Billy trained I seem to recall
Howard Gray– I seem to recall a story doing the rounds was Billy Bray and top lady trainer at the time Ms Pat Haas didn’t get on too well and were always at loggerheads?