Beaumaris Lee
A young Kel Greenough with his daughter Michelle and Beaumaris Lee. After winning his heat and semi-final of the 1980...
Pretty New
Billy Northfield and Reg Hazelgrove combine to win the 1980 Queensland Futurity with Pretty New. Curly Burly – Pretty New...
Cafiso Brothers filming the dogs
Anyone remember, the Cafiso Brothers filming the dogs. Mark Pearson – Charlie Cafiso and Roo Power🐾🐾 I offered $30k but...
A rare occurrence a Hurdle dog standing at stud, it was 1973. Howard Gray -Arkle wasn’t the only top dog...
Wheelbarrow Race
Found this letter of invitation for a very interesting event to take place up the home straight at Olympic Park...
Sobbing Sal
Sobbing Sal (New Tears x Wee Sal) 35 starts for 16 wins 10 placings. $68,940. Trained by Ted Sallows Won 1996...