
Capricorn Gem
A star coursing and racetrack dog of the early 70’s. Career cut short by injury. Capricorn Gem.

Golden Spur
One of the star sprinters of the middle 70’s was Golden Spur. From the super litter by Gabriel Miss from Leeander Lass the litter won 110 […]

Panania Trial Track
Member Ian Rose posted this photo of the old Panania trial track in New South Wales. It brought back many memories from the membership. Brian […]

Dashing Disco
One of Max Wintles star performers of the middle 70’s was Dashing Disco. Turned out a pretty good sire as well. Stud master Rick Stamford […]

Paul’s Thunder
One of the great stayers of her time was Victorian Paul’s Thunder she won many features in both Victoria and New South Wales. Howard Gray […]

When Tasmania was Headquarters
Things have changed in 52 years. Here we see that Tassie was the place to race greyhounds. Interesting number of dogs on the mainland thirty-seven […]

Carrington Jade
A calendar poster was handed in at Toongabbie Lodge. It was for the year 1977 and promoted the winner of the 1976 Melbourne Cup Carrington […]

John Vertigan
Love this photo of Hall of Fame trainer the late Allan Roberts on the Olympic Park dais with the affectional nicknamed “The Headmaster” Radio veteran, […]