So Seductive
So Seductive December 2007 (Go Wild Teddy x Smiles Are Free) 59 starts 20 wins and 21 placings $218,905 in...
Rod Deakin
We have spoken many times here of the achievements of Rod Deakin, he retired in 1981. Noel Christensen put this...
Darville’s Flyer.
Outstanding sprinter Darville’s Flyer...
Tangaloa’s 1980 Australian Cup
Victorian Hall of Famer Tangaloa a remarkable story. As a race dog there were few better his record states that. As a...
The Bill Fletcher Story by Jeff Collerson
The Bill Fletcher Story by Jeff Collerson...
History of Wentworth Park
Below are the original plans and draws of Wentworth Park before it was built in 1948. History of Wentworth Park...