Historic Newspaper About Sandown
Some historic Newspaper reports before Sandown raced...
1959 Melbourne Cup
Sporting Globe report by legendary Greyhound writer Frank Morley on the chances of Capital King winning the 1959 Melbourne Cup...
1981 Sandown Committee
1981 Sandown Committee, some long serving directors in this photo. Howard Gray – Some top fellas there that made an...
Ray Byron
It is with great sadness I acknowledge the passing of Sandown’s longest living Life Member Ray Byron on Monday December...
Ron Hawkswell
Hawk got a cake for his 10th Anniversary. He’s been at it over 50 years now. Great to hear him...
Rhodanthe 1883 Waterloo Cup Winner
The first act in the Waterloo drama of 1883 took place at the Athenaeum Hall on July 17, when the...